Front Door Handles: A Complete Guide

When it comes to choosing the perfect front door handles for your home or commercial space, there are several factors to consider. As the gateway to your property, the front door serves as the first impression for visitors, making the selection of door handles a critical aspect of both functionality and aesthetics. In this article, we will delve into the various forms of front door handles available at Architectural Choice, a trusted name in architectural hardware, to help you make an informed decision that aligns with your interior design selections, the architect's vision, and your personal preferences.

Door Handles on Rose

Door handles on rose are the most popular choice among homeowners and interior designers alike. These handles feature a round, circular base known as the "rose" , providing an elegant and streamlined appearance. The rose conceals the fixing screws, creating a clean and articulate look.

Product picture of the Monaco Titanium Copper Door Handle by Architectural Choice on a white background.

This style of front door handles is versatile, suitable for contemporary, modern, and even traditional door designs. The vast array of finishes available for door handles on rose ensures compatibility with any interior design theme, making them a great option for those seeking a timeless and sophisticated touch to their entryway.

Door Handles on Plate

Door handles on plate are another classic option that exudes sophistication and elegance. Unlike door handles on rose, these handles are mounted on a rectangular or oval plate, offering a more substantial and commanding presence.

At Architectural Choice we have rectangular and oval plate options for all PVD levers and some Brushed Chrome as well.

Cover shot of the Art Deco Collection by Architectural Choice.

The plate not only provides additional surface area for a secure grip but also serves as a striking visual element. Door handles on plate can complement a variety of architectural styles, from stately manors to contemporary townhouses, allowing you to tailor the look and feel of your entry to your precise preferences. Additionally, the availability of different plate sizes and finishes gives you the freedom to harmonize the handles with the overall aesthetic of your property.

Pull Handle

If you desire a more minimalist and contemporary approach to front door handles, pull handles might be the perfect choice for you. These handles are characterized by their elongated, slender design, providing a sleek and uncluttered look to your entry door.

Insitu picture of the Arc Pull Handles on glass French doors with wooden flooring in the background.

Pull handles are often utilized in modern and industrial-inspired settings, but their simplicity can also complement various other architectural styles including traditional or our newest collection, Art Deco. Available in an assortment of lengths and finishes, pull handles offer a high degree of customization, making them a favoured option for those who prioritise a sleek and understated appearance. At Architectural Choice we have put together Entry Door Pull Handle Kit that makes it easy for clients to get everything they need for an external door package.

Selecting the right form of front door handles largely depends on various key factors, each of which warrants careful consideration.

Interior Design Selections

Your interior design choices set the tone for your entire living or working space. Therefore, it is crucial to choose front door handles that harmonise with your existing decor and architectural features. Whether you prefer a contemporary, traditional, rustic, or eclectic interior, Architectural Choice offers a vast selection of front door handles to complement any design style seamlessly.

Architect's Vision for the Entry

If you are working with an architect or designer, their vision for the entryway should be taken into account when selecting front door handles. Collaborating with professionals ensures that the overall design concept remains cohesive and enhances the architectural aesthetics of your property.

Personal Preferences

Ultimately, the choice of front door handles should resonate with your personal taste and preferences. Architectural Choice recognises the importance of providing customers with a diverse range of designs and finishes, enabling you to choose front door handles that resonate with your unique style and preferences.

Available Finishes

The finish of the front door handles is a critical factor in achieving the desired look for your entryway. From classic Polished Brass and Satin nickel to contemporary Matte Black and Satin Brass, Architectural Choice offers an extensive selection of finishes to cater to every taste and design scheme.

Cover photo of the Wood Nature Oak door handle installed on a door with a plant in the background.

In conclusion, the selection of front door handles plays a significant role in creating a memorable first impression for your home or commercial space. Whether you opt for door handles on rose, door handles on plate, or pull handles, the team at Architectural Choice stands ready to assist you in making the architectural choice that elevates your entryway to new heights of elegance and sophistication.

Remember to consider your interior design selections, the architect's vision, your personal preferences, and the available finishes to achieve a harmonious and visually stunning result that leaves a lasting impact on all who cross your threshold. Trust in Architectural Choice, where style meets function in the world of architectural hardware.