What Is PVD?
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Put simply it is the little known coating solution that is becoming the must have finish in the architectural industry.
The reason is simple, it is a far superior finishing technique than electroplating and is eco friendly at the same time. What many architects are calling for is an improved finish across projects. If a finish, say matt black, or antique brass, fades not long after installation why would an architect, designer, builder put their name to that product? They wouldn't, so many play it safe with stainless steel. That doesn't need to be the case any more.
Back to what is PVD? Let’s start with what PVD stands for, Physical Vapor Deposition.
Ok, so that doesn’t really clear it up does it. But let’s talk about what the benefits and how PVD coating is achieved.
It really is one of the most asked questions when talking about our products, what is PVD?
A non-galvanic, non-polluting process, PVD is widely used in the watchmaking industry that produces a brilliant decorative and functional finish. It is also used frequently in the tapware industry with the door hardware industry lagging somewhat.
It is not only an exceptionally high-quality finish, it gives the final product additional hardness and extremely high corrosion resistance.

The main benefit of a PVD coated product is that it can provide a lifetime of protection, adding terrific value to products and projects.
Traditional electroplating of brass, gold and nickel finishes require a clear coat that degrades over time and can easily tarnish or corrode. Our PVD finish requires no clear topcoat and that is a huge advantage for your door hardware staying the same colour throughout it’s life span. It is also four times harder than chrome which makes it corrosion and scratch resistant.

Benefits of PVD technology: Environmentally Friendly Process, Superior Wear Resistance, Uniform Coating, Will not Chip, Tarnish or Fade, Superior Corrosion Resistance, Superior Chemical Resistance, Low Coefficient of Friction, Low Maintenance. Brilliant Decorative Finish, High Hardness (2nd to Diamond).
The PVD process itself is a solid material which is vaporized in a vacuum and deposited onto the surface of a part. The real brilliance of this finishing is the fact it’s not layering onto the part. Compound materials are deposited atom by atom, forming a thin, bonded, metal or metal-ceramic surface that greatly improves the appearance, durability, and/or function of a part or product.

As mentioned, PVD is an exceptionally high-quality finish. Although much more resistant to corrosion than stainless steel without PVD, there are agents responsible for the appearance of discoloration and regular maintenance is encouraged.
Here at Architectural Choice, we only use the best PVD supplier in the business, JNF Architectural Hardware. The equipment use is world class and ensures our products are consistent each time.

If you would like to know more about our PVD process and how it can help your project, please get in touch with our team today.